YOU ARE FU - Leon Zuodar
Leon Zuodar
"You are FU"
Series of 24 collages
Edition of 23
44 pages, diverse papers, liporello sewing
Size 20x26cm (with variations)
Plus original artwork
Leon Zuodar (1977, Postojna) is a Slovenian visual artist active in the field of painting, drawing, print making, fanzines and animation.
He is part of the Beli sladoled painting group (2005) and is running a reading room / fanzine open space called Zinko Tiček (2016) under the wing of Hiša kulture Pivka gallery, where he is also leading the graphic program.
In the series of small format collages the artist is continuing his painting praxis where he is combining different mediums, patterns, materials with hand and machine sewing as an important part of the composition (structures, drawing) rather than just a part of the process and a tool of fusion.
The drawings are playing with the fixed parts of the final compositions and the loose sewing thread which is a live and moving element, especially in the later process of scanning, printing and making of the publication.
The main idea of the series is the method, how to put collages together, playing with the sewing machine to hopefully get a raw, airy and tactil final visual piece.